Psoriasis symptoms

Category : Ailments

Psoriasis is unsightly and tiring, it can introduce complexes. It can start under stress. It can also be passed on by the mother – then she will be in the sleep phase. Come, the main causes of the emergence are unknown, there is a relationship between the appearance of psoriasis and the state of the immune system or the presence of mycosis.

The main symptoms of psoriasis are various skin lesions that begin with ordinary redness, and end with, for example, keratosis-like scales. Initially, they are the size of a head from a pin, in theory, to grow to a size covering the whole body. In addition, the body can attack several types of psoriasis simultaneously. They can appear in different places, so that with time, as they grow, they will merge into one great creation. By neglecting the symptoms, you can just lead to this condition. Two of the most popular varieties of psoriasis are geographical and annular psoriasis.

The first one took its name from the shape of the resulting skin eruptions. Namely, the outline of psoriasis on the body will look like islands / continents. The other one will resemble a growing ring / ring. The red spot, which is a psoriatic lesion, will begin to fade from the inside at some point. The weaker the body’s immunity, the easier it can get psoriasis. Lack of knowledge of the main pathogens causes the threat lurks just around the corner. High stress or fungal infections can accelerate the process of its appearance.

Problems with the pancreas – symptoms and treatment

Category : Ailments

The pancreas has two important functions in the body. It supplies enzymes to the intestine, which makes it possible to digest proteins or carbohydrates. This organ is also responsible for the secretion of hormones: insulin and glucagon. It is worth to read the article below to know what the symptoms of a sick pancreas are. Patients who are often unaware of this find out about the disease when it is definitely too late for treatment!

problemy z trzustką

Symptoms of sick pancreas

A sick pancreas is often the cause of little characteristic symptoms. For a long time it may not even give any signals. However, before the disease enters an advanced stage, several symptoms appear, including:

  • abdominal pain – located in the epigastric region, may persist for several days, the pain often radiates to the back, appears suddenly and increases with time,
  • frequent vomiting, nausea, fever and diarrhea,
  • skin changes, especially on the face,
  • lack of appetite, weight loss.

The above symptoms require thorough diagnosis. It is worth remembering that the symptoms may be different depending on pancreatic disorders. Knowing the above symptoms of malfunctioning of the pancreas, you can prevent the appearance of much more serious health problems. Do not underestimate the above symptoms!

Examination of the pancreas and its treatment

Acute or chronic pancreatitis is most often exposed to people who: abuse alcohol, smoke cigarettes or people who are genetically burdened. However, this problem may affect everyone. Among the most common diseases of the pancreas are its inflammation.

Doctors sound the alarm and make them aware of how dangerous and insidious the sick pancreas is. It is often referred to by specialists as a sleeping tiger. We recognize that if we do not notice serious ailments associated with pancreatic disease, then there is certainly no problem. However, serious health problems arise when advanced changes are already occurring in the pancreas. Therefore, it is worth prophylactically and regularly look at whether our organ is functioning properly.

It is worth remembering about a proper diet with a sick pancreas. This organ definitely doesn’t like sweets, raw products or carbonated drinks. In sick people, the diet should be easily digestible, while providing a lot of energy. In addition, when the pancreas begins to get sick, it often results in pancreatic enzyme deficiencies. Drugs that contain pancreatin help a lot.

Are you concerned about the symptoms? It may be time to check your pancreas by performing the Human Body Scanner test. It is one of the effective methods determining the causes of the disease and diagnosing the condition of the pancreas before the symptoms of the disease appear. In addition to the pancreas, it also checks the condition of other organs and the level of acidification of the body, the presence of parasites, heavy metals, toxins, and cell deficiencies. In one sentence, this is a general overview of the entire body that everyone should do from time to time.

Pancreatitis is a serious disease. Ailments affect the entire body. Untreated diseased pancreas can be a serious threat to health and even life.

Varicose veins

Category : Ailments


Varicose veins occur in the lower extremities, esophagus, anus (hemorrhoids). They arise as a result of a malfunction of the valves located in the walls of the veins, whose task is to prevent the backflow of blood flowing to the heart. When the valves are not working properly, the blood does not drain properly and begins to accumulate, causing the veins to stretch and widen.

The causes of varicose veins are: obesity, constipation, poor circulation, poor diet, standing or sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy and genetics.

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Problems with the stomach and intestines

Category : Ailments

problemy z żołądkiem i jelitami

Problems with the stomach and intestines

In Poland, over 30% of the population suffers from gastrointestinal complaints such as ulcers, obstruction, inflammation, cancer, and parasites. Every year, more than 10,000 people get colon cancer in our country every year, with more and more deaths being recorded. This is due to the fact that patients come to the doctor when it is too late for help.

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Category : Ailments

silne bóle pleców są uciążliwe

Severe back pain can have its source in diseases such as degeneration of the spine, obesity, kidney disease, injuries, faulty posture. They can also appear in pregnant women. The latest discoveries also turn out to be interesting. The foods we eat every day can make us feel pain. An example is caffeine, mint, ginger or capsaicin (chilli peppers) that alleviate pain!

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Category : Ailments

półpasiec - walcz z chorobą

What is shingles?

Shingles is a serious infectious disease caused by herpes virus varicella, the same virus that causes chickenpox. Appears in people who have had smallpox and who have reactivated a latent infection.

It's a dangerous disease that can lead to serious complications. It is worth knowing what its symptoms are and how to deal with it.

Shingles symptoms

This disease is characterized primarily by skin lesions. Sometimes patients complain of general malaise, headache, weakness and elevated body temperature.
The disease lasts from 2 to 4 weeks and the pain, burning and itching of the skin may persist all the time. There are skin lesions in the form of erythematous blisters. They can be grouped in a specific place or spread over a larger area. Most often they appear on the face, slightly less often on the torso, back and stomach. The formation of lesions around the nerves, e.g. ocular or nasociliary, is characteristic. Usually, blisters appear only on the right or left side of the body, not crossing the middle line of the face or torso.
Skin lesions, like chicken pox, are painful and itchy. They may become red and the skin around them swollen. After about a week from the appearance of blisters, they begin to dry, transforming into unsightly scabs, which fall off at a later stage of the disease.
Because the lesions are located where the nerves run, neuralgia may persist for months after the illness (especially in older people).

Shingles appear

This disease can occur in several different clinical variants. We distinguish characters:
hemorrhagic - these are the most severe cases,
ocular - corneal eye ulceration occurs,
disseminated or generalized - in this form, in addition to typical locations, changes also arise on the trunk and are disseminated. It occurs most often in patients with cancer or metabolic diseases such as diabetes,
gangrenous - a severe form of herpes zoster, characterized by the fact that the skin lesions break down, leaving gangrenous ulcers.


Antiviral drugs alleviate the course of the disease and limit its spread. However, it is not recommended to administer them in all cases of herpes zoster, only in those with acute course or in people over 50 years of age with a weakened immune system. Skin lesions can be relieved with local astringents and soothing agents. It is also recommended to put on a dressing that will protect the affected skin from rubbing and scratching. Aerosols with local disinfecting or anesthetic effects may be useful.
If the patient complains of severe and nagging pain, he may be advised to take painkillers. To prevent nerve problems after the disease has stopped, it is worth introducing small doses of corticosteroids or irradiation with a stimulating laser.

Complications after illness

The type of complications depends mainly on the location of the lesions on the skin. However, they can all be very dangerous to health. The most common complications of herpes zoster include: keratitis, paralysis of the nerves responsible for moving the eyeball, auditory nerve paralysis resulting in partial hearing loss, facial paralysis, back pain and pneumonia. To avoid complications, see a doctor as soon as possible if you have symptoms suggestive of herpes zoster infection.
It is also worth taking care of immunity to prevent the development of the disease. The decrease in body immunity can be caused by various factors. A significant part of the immune system is associated with the intestines. Cells located in the intestines produce huge amounts of immune bodies to fight all pathogens found in the body, namely: bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and toxins.
The loads that each of us is exposed to can get into the blood and spread throughout the body. Then there is a decrease in immunity, which leads to a faster development of many diseases. To detect what is stressing your body, do a simple and effective test on your body. Apply to one of our branches today.


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How to care for the liver

Category : Ailments

Liver disease - learn 4 effective tips on how to care for your liver

The proper functioning of the liver is essential for our health. Check if you know how to properly care for this organ.

This organ performs over 500 functions, and in every minute it flows through even 1.5 liters of blood requiring purification! Liver disease means that this process is not going well.

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Prostate problems

Category : Ailments

Prostate problems affect many men after the age of 45. The prostate is a chestnut-sized gland located below the bladder. Due to its function, it is closer to the sexual system than the urinary system: its secretion is part of the sperm and allows sperm to move. After the age of fifty, most men learn about prostate problems through unpleasant ailments. One should not be ashamed of prostate problems - doctors say that they affect more than half of men after age 60, and after 80 - over 80%.

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Kidney problems

Category : Ailments

problemy z nerkami zaczynają się często wcześnie

Kidney problems affect many people, often from childhood. The kidneys are even organs shaped like bean grains. Their function is to produce urine, as well as to filter blood. Each disorder in the work of the kidneys gives reflection in the functioning of the whole body, which affects our overall well-being.

According to Chinese medicine, the whole energy of our lives is accumulated in the kidneys. Every health problem that affects us is usually caused by irregularities in the work of this organ.

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Lack of immunity

Category : Ailments


The human immune system consists of lymph nodes, palatine tonsils, thymus, spleen, and bone marrow. Each of these systems requires nutrients to function properly. Lack of immunity can manifest itself not only in winter or early spring.

There has been a lot of talk in recent years about the impact of the environment on our resilience. Pollution of the environment, radiation from the computer, from mobile phones, microwaves, induction cookers are not indifferent to us.

Antibiotics in meat, food products, viral infections, medications, stress, lack of sleep, fatigue, poor quality food, excess sugar in the diet and many more are often the causes of the decline and lack of immunity. Eating even quite expensive but poorly balanced food can cause a lack of immunity. We sometimes ask ourselves the question: how is it possible that although I spend so much on good food and supplements I feel a decrease in immunity? The key is the right selection of products for the individual needs of the body. We have good news for you: good nutrition does not have to be very expensive.

A good way to fight poor immunity is to provide natural nutrients under the guidance of a specialist. We invite you to revitum for a diet consultation, during which you will learn how to eat yourself so that lack of immunity is a completely foreign concept for you.

It is also helpful to remove the loads from the body that are the cause of the ailment. Toxic loads of our body include microbes, fungi, viruses and parasites that cause digestive and absorption impairment and lack of immunity. That is why it is worth doing a body load test.

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Category : Ailments

hemoroidy leczenie

Hemorrhoids is a problem for many people. The risk of their occurrence increases with age. The good news is that hemorrhoids can be cured. Although it is a disease that is often embarrassing, we break this taboo subject.

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids (Latin: varices haemorrhoidales), i.e. anal varicose veins, are swollen veins of the rectal plexus, swollen hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can occur in the upper and lower parts of the anus, depending on the location of the vascular plexus where the blood has stopped. Varicose veins significantly hinder the proper functioning of the last part of the human digestive system.
More clearly, there must be blood retention in the plexus between the anal canal and the human rectum. Blood stopped in such a way cannot escape, which causes considerable difficulties and discomfort for the person who is sick. Due to the inability to find an outlet, the blood forms small protrusions in the mucosa. These protuberances are often called nodules. Varicose veins (hemorrhoids) are divided by various aspects. First of all, internal hemorrhoids are located above the crest line, these hemorrhoids bleed more easily. The second type is external hemorrhoids, which are more painful and are below the crest line.

How do I know if I'm at risk of hemorrhoids?

Initially, varicose veins do not give very visible symptoms. We usually underestimate them, which delays diagnosis. The most common symptoms are haemorrhoids falling out. Other ailments that may appear with this disease are bleeding - this is the most common symptom - the blood has a characteristic color. If you see regular traces of blood on toilet paper, this may be a sign for hemorrhoids. One of the main symptoms of hemorrhoidal disease is also a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, itching, and less often pain around the anus. When external hemorrhoids are large, they can form clots, which can lead to tissue necrosis.

Hemorrhoids - causes

Varicose veins can occur regardless of age. There is no known clear answer to the cause of hemorrhoidal disease. Genetic factors certainly have some influence. The reason may also be an increase in blood pressure under the mucosa. Its formation is certainly favored by a sedentary lifestyle, low physical activity and obesity. Although a sedentary lifestyle is not advisable, also practicing some sports, it has a negative effect. Cycling or horse riding do not have a positive effect on blood circulation around the anus. Hemorrhoids are also caused by poor eating habits, including stimulants, alcohol or too low fiber intake. Incorrect diet also includes too little fluid intake and a large amount of hot spices.
However, the most common risk factor for hemorrhoidal disease is chronic or recurrent constipation. The reason for the emergence of this disease can also be a woman's sex cycle, pregnancy, which promote the development of hemorrhoids. Hence, many people who suffer from this disease are pregnant or after delivery. Often, however, the hemorrhoids disappear after delivery.

Hemorrhoids - how to help yourself?

To prevent hemorrhoids, it is worth remembering a few basic recommendations. In the fight against pain and burning, good hygiene of the sick person helps significantly. Hemorrhoids develop slowly, so the sooner you detect them, the better your chances of avoiding surgery. The diagnosis should be left to specialists. Ignoring the discomfort often causes the symptoms of hemorrhoids to increase over time, and appropriate treatment is needed.
Unfortunately, for many people, it is such a shameful disease that they do not go to professionals. We often decide to consult specialists. And this is a mistake! Treatment of hemorrhoids should be started as early as possible. Therefore, we should not be ashamed, but treat this unpleasant ailment. Untreated, they cause many complications. Modern technology, however, faces them very effectively.

Do you want to know what loads cause hemorrhoids? Take a body load test and find out the causes of hemorrhoids.

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Category : Ailments

testy na alergię i badania

What is an allergy?

Colloquially called allergy or hypersensitivity, this is the body's incorrect response to the effects of foreign substances, i.e. allergens. Our immune system is involved in allergic reactions - antibodies are formed in the body that bind to the antigen and cause inflammation. Allergy is therefore an abnormal manifestation of immunity because it leads to damage to your own tissues. Allergies can have a very mild course, such as those manifesting, e.g. redness of the eyes or sneezing, but can also be dangerous to life (anaphylactic shock and death).

Histamine is a chemical that is important in the formation of an allergic reaction. It occurs in the body of each of us - its task is to protect the body, but in allergy sufferers, when it comes into contact with an allergen, histamine can even be dangerous to health.

Allergy - a global problem

A huge number of people suffer from allergies all over the world. According to statistics, up to 40% of the population. Pollinosis and bronchial asthma are most often diagnosed. Studies show that people born in the months that immediately precede the pollen season are more likely to suffer from allergies to plant pollen.
The number of people struggling with allergies is constantly increasing. This is probably due to industrialization, increasingly severe environmental pollution and chemistry present almost everywhere (even in food). Although allergies occur all over the world, we may notice some differences depending on the region and the country's previous level of morbidity.

Is the allergy hereditary?

Allergies can be caused by both environmental factors and genetic load. It has been proven that if one of the parents suffered from allergy, the risk of having it in a child is about 40%. If the father and mother were allergic, the risk increases to 60%. It is estimated that the majority of allergies present today are caused by a burden in the family, and the remaining tens of percent are allergies caused by environmental factors.

Environmental factors affecting the occurrence of allergies

The growing pollution of the environment, especially the air we breathe, is not without significance for our health. A large number of cars emitting harmful exhaust gases contribute to the development of allergies and respiratory diseases. People who have frequent contact with cigarette smoke and chemicals are also exposed to allergies. Disturbed intestinal microflora, yeast infection, excess antibiotics as well as strong stress and calcium deficiency may also contribute to the development of allergies.

What are the most common allergy symptoms?

The reaction concerns a certain system or specific organ. The most common are: swelling and rhinitis, itching, watery discharge or stuffy nose, wheezing and difficulty in breathing, conjunctival itching, tearing, itchy skin, rash or swelling, as well as headaches.
Symptoms of anaphylactic shock that are dangerous to health are pressure drop, increased heart rate, and elevated body temperature. This can lead to coma or even death, so these symptoms should not be underestimated.

Food allergies

Food allergies affect a very large part of society, so if you want to test your body for allergies, you should also include food intolerance tests. The most common symptoms of food intolerance and allergies are gastrointestinal complaints that appear after consuming a product. It is worth observing your body to see what is harmful to us and, if necessary, eliminate the allergen from the diet.
Allergy symptoms can be alleviated by providing appropriate nutrients, such as, for example, fatty acids containing OMEGA-3, DHA and EPA under specialist control, but not only. It is also worth thinking about changing your diet under the watchful eye of a dietitian and doing food intolerance tests.

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Category : Ailments

Bezpłodność i niepłodność - czym się różnią

Infertility is a real drama especially for people who strive to become a family as soon as possible. Infertility can occur in both men and women. Sometimes it happens that, despite the efforts of both partners, they cannot become happy parents.

Infertility or sterility?

Infertility and sterility cannot be interchangeable terms because each of them means something completely different.

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Category : Ailments

Łuszczyca infografika zdjęcia

Is this psoriasis already? What are the first signs of psoriasis?

Psoriasis is still a big mystery today. It is not known what causes it and it is treated throughout the whole life. The question arises whether there is a chance to get rid of it completely? If not then how to minimize its occurrence?


What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis (Latin psoriasis) is a skin disease, the cause of which is still inscrutable. There are many hypotheses regarding the reasons for its appearance, however, none of these theories is fully confirmed by scientific evidence. Some researchers suggest that psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which may mean that it is not known why the body begins attacking its own tissues and destroying them. Some people think that psoriasis is a family disease. If the parents had psoriasis, there is a huge likelihood that children may also have the same skin problems. If we talk about the age at which psoriasis can be most common, it is assumed that it is between 10 and 40 years of age, but it can be more and more often observed that psoriasis affects people even after 70 years of age. It is believed that the so-called "Late psoriasis" may be due to older people taking large amounts of pharmacological drugs.

The most common stimulus for the first outbreaks of psoriasis is inflammation, e.g. in the sinuses or teeth or after viral and bacterial infections such as angina or flu.

Psoriasis is unsightly and tiring, it can introduce complexes. It can start under stress. It can also be passed on by the mother - then she will be stuck in the sleep phase. Come, the main causes are unknown, there is a relationship between the appearance of psoriasis and the state of the immune system or the presence of ringworm.

The main symptoms of psoriasis are various skin lesions that begin with ordinary redness, and end with, for example, keratosis-like scales. Initially, they are the size of a head from a pin, in theory, to grow to a size covering the whole body. In addition, the body can attack several types of psoriasis simultaneously. They can appear in different places, so that with time, as they grow, they will merge into one great creation. By neglecting the symptoms, you can just lead to this condition. Two of the most popular varieties of psoriasis are geographical and annular psoriasis.

The first one took its name from the shape of the resulting skin eruptions. Namely, the outline of psoriasis on the body will look like islands / continents. The other one will resemble a growing ring / ring. The red spot, which is a psoriatic lesion, will begin to fade from the inside at some point. The weaker the body's immunity, the easier it can get psoriasis. Lack of knowledge of the main pathogens causes the threat lurks just around the corner. High stress or fungal infections can accelerate the process of its appearance.

It is assumed that psoriasis touches 2-4% of the population of Europe and the United States, with the inhabitants of the Far East in South America are definitely less frequent.

It is assumed that psoriasis touches 2-4% of the population of Europe and the United States, with the inhabitants of the Far East in South America are definitely less frequent.

What affects the appearance of psoriasis?

Here is a list of factors that can be considered as fuses for this disease or for those already suffering from this disease as causing relapses.

  • Acute infections such as smallpox, flu or angina
  • Chronic infections such as hypertrophied tonsils, chronic sinusitis, caries
  • Drugs, some antibiotics
  • Both acute and chronic stress
  • Skin damage or irritation

To the above-mentioned factors should also be added: smoking, alcohol, obesity or the use of cosmetics.

Psoriasis is a non-communicable and benign disease that occurs chronically. She also has a tendency to relapse or remission.

Treatment. What to do to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis?

At the very beginning, psoriasis is only treated externally. At the moment when the use of various ointments or appropriate radiation does not help, oral drugs are administered. Therapy begins with the removal of the scales. To do this, you should brush the skin with keratolic preparations with salicylic acid. Ointments are already applied to the cleansed skin - cygnoline, vitamin D derivatives, sometimes steroid ointments or immunosuppressive drugs that are responsible for the immune system are also used. Phototherapy, i.e. skin irradiation, is a very effective therapy. Before the exposure, photosensitizing preparations must be used. You need to do about 20 treatments, 2-3 times a week to see the healing effect.

Psychological aspect of psoriasis

The fact that psoriasis should not be underestimated may be evidenced by new research results which prove that in the group of people who suffer from psoriasis, most people declare suicidal thoughts. Low self-esteem and lack of interpersonal contacts and social support contribute to depressed mood and depressive disorders. That is why the acceptance of people suffering from psoriasis and the appropriate level of public education on this subject are so important. It has already been proven that people who have accepted the disease of psoriasis tolerate it better and, moreover, outbreaks appear much less frequently. That is why it is so important not to stress and accept yourself.

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Category : Ailments


Asthma is a serious disease that is considered civilization these days - it has more than 300 million people worldwide.
In Poland, the problem of asthma is also noticeable. It is estimated that it affects about 10% of the population, both adults and children. The number of patients is growing at an alarming rate, and is contributing to this, among others air pollution.

Asthma symptoms

Asthma is characterized by attacks of breathlessness during which the exhalation of air is difficult due to smooth muscle spasms in the upper respiratory tract, which causes coughing and shortness of breath. Patients complain of frequent wheezing, tightness of the chest and bouts of an uncomfortable cough, during which secretions that are difficult to expel are formed.

Asthma symptoms usually get worse when you are exercising, at night or when in contact with cold air. The frequency of symptoms varies from patient to patient: some experience asthma attacks quite often, others only once in a while. Also, the severity of the symptoms can be determined individually.

What are the causes of asthma?

Asthma is associated with chronic inflammation. It is also affected by allergies, deficiencies of fatty acids, vitamin deficiencies (e.g. magnesium, vitamin B), food intolerances, sensitivity of the body to preservatives, gastric acid deficiencies, mycoses, candida, parasites and nutrient deficiencies in general.
The causes of asthma are not fully known and it is difficult to clearly determine them. Certainly, both genetic and environmental factors influence the development of asthma. Environmental factors include: allergens, chemical compounds present in the air and the level of its pollution. The risk of developing asthma also increases if the child's mother smoked cigarettes during pregnancy. Studies show that asthma is more common in people who received antibiotics early in life, and in babies born via caesarean section.

The genetic factor is the occurrence of asthma in family members. It's mainly about genes related to the immune system. It is also estimated that if one of the identical twins suffers from asthma, the other has up to 25% risk of developing this disease.

Asthma associated diseases

Asthma is more common in people suffering from atopic dermatitis and hay fever. It is also associated with autoimmune diseases. The likelihood of developing asthma also increases in obese people, because their respiratory system is more loaded and less efficient.

Can asthma be prevented?

In the past, efforts were made to prevent asthma with appropriate nutrients. An example is ancient Egypt, where, for example, it was recommended to eat a large number of figs, grapes, juniper fruit and wine. In China, tea leaves were used, from which the asthma drug - theophylline - was obtained.
A possible way to prevent asthma is to avoid factors that increase your risk of developing it. It is worth limiting smoking (also passive) and contact with air pollution and chemicals, for example at work. Regular physical activity and a healthy diet are also important, which will avoid excess weight. Pregnant and lactating women should not be exposed to cigarette smoke and being in contaminated rooms.
Unfortunately, we have no influence on genetic factors that contribute to the development of asthma. In the event of this disease in the family, it is especially worth taking care of a healthy lifestyle and regularly monitoring the condition of the body. Natural forms of supporting immunity and a hygienic lifestyle can be helpful.

If you are looking for a reason and would like to strengthen your body with natural preparations, visit Revitum.

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Vitamin D deficiency

Category : Ailments

Vitamin D deficiency

When there is a lack of vitamin D in the body ...

Vitamin D affects the proper functioning of calcium metabolism in the blood, on the nervous system, cardiovascular, immune, reproductive and muscular systems. It also cares for the correct structure of the skeleton. When it is not enough, we are threatened with serious health consequences. Below we look at what exactly.



Vitamin D deficiency is usually caused by insufficient sun exposure. Often this is impossible due to the high probability of skin burns, and the creams used with a high filter effectively block the natural process of vitamin D formation in the skin.

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Dermatitis herpetiformis

Category : Ailments

choroba Duhringa - jak ją wykryć?

Duhring's disease (dermatitis herpetiformis) is a skin manifestation of gluten intolerance. He is called a cutaneous form of celiac disease and is often found in the same families where celiac disease suffers.

Duhring's disease is most commonly seen between 14 and 40 years of age. A typical picture of skin lesions in its course are multiform lesions: vesicles, erythema, papules often very itchy, causing a tendency to scratch the affected areas, which results in scabs and scars. The most common lesions are knees and elbows as well as the sacrum and buttocks (very typical location), as well as the torso (more often the back - around the shoulder blades) as well as the face and scalp. About 10% of patients, in addition to skin lesions, have various gastrointestinal symptoms due to complete or almost complete atrophy of the small intestine villi. As with celiac disease, the symptoms of villic atrophy may be unusual (anemia, weakness, depression, etc.). Therefore, after detecting gluten metabolism disorders, celiac disease or Duhring's disease, it is important to follow a gluten-free diet.

Why is Duhring's disease so dangerous?

In short, late gluten intolerance is a big problem for the body. A diet alone may not be enough for the body to recover fully. Gluten intolerance causes poorer calcium absorption and can lead to osteoporosis, and anemia or even depression may occur. Often, people with gluten intolerance struggle with boletus and other diseases. In addition, gastrointestinal mucosa is often not what it should be.

Early detected gluten intolerance will help to cure Duhring's disease more efficiently. Perform a body load test and find out if your body has gluten metabolism disorders. You can do it at Revitum by making an appointment at the most convenient facility because of your place of residence. See where you can meet the Revirum diagnostician.

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Poor memory

Category : Ailments

Poor memory can have various causes, both in psychological and organic conditions.

Causes of poor memory:

  • Lack of nutrients in the diet
  • Arteriosclerosis: thickening of the arterial walls
  • Cerebral atherosclerosis: cerebral ischemia
  • Thyroid disease
  • Alcoholism
  • Intoxication of the body
  • Deficiency of vitamins, trace elements
  • Deficiencies of minerals
  • Stress
  • Overload (pressure of success, time, environment)
  • Haste
  • Conflicts
  • Care for living matters
  • Bow

The most important of this list are nutrient deficiencies! Contrary to popular belief, poor memory is not just a problem for older people. The problem is affecting younger and younger people who place it as a burden of overloading with duties and "information overload" - we have many more things to remember today, and we often work at a dizzying pace. Yes, it can cause short-term and long-term memory disorders. But we can not assume this in advance, because for many people, after careful examination, it turns out that the source of the problems lies elsewhere.

Poor memory - the result of body loads

The causes of memory problems are the loads in the body. To check what loads occur in your body, perform a quick and simple test of body loads! During the visit, a biomedicine specialist will choose the right treatment for you, which will permanently restore your former mind and body fitness!

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Category : Ailments


Acne is a disease that has been bothering millions of people around the world for years. Every year, millions of dollars are spent on research into combating this disease.

Acne vulgaris (Acne vulgaris) - a skin disease that begins at puberty, when the hormone sebaceous glands (seborrhea) are over-stimulated under the influence of hormonal changes (excessive androgenic stimulation). Blackheads and papules, commonly called pimples, are a symptom of acne. Their formation is associated with excessive production of sebum and increased keratinization of the cells of the duct leading out the sebaceous glands of the skin. Overlapping layers of keratinized epidermis fill the outgoing duct and close its mouth. Blocked mouth of the sebaceous gland canal with a sebaceous plug and calloused cells is called blackhead, which is a non-inflammatory form of acne.
In such an accumulation of calloused epidermis and sebum, some bacteria, always present on the surface of the skin, develop particularly well and cause an inflammatory process that can cause a rupture of the exit duct wall and the development of inflammation in the sebaceous gland. The papules then become large, red and painful.

Acne can have many causes

The causes of acne can be hormonal, gastrointestinal, hepatic, thrush disorders, etc.

Many so-called "home remedies" do not work, and in turn wrong treatment can only mask the problem without hitting its cause. It is worth starting the action quickly because improper treatment may cause traces on the skin for life or for many years. Especially so should be avoided "squeezing" skin lesions, especially without disinfection. It is best to start a comprehensive treatment aimed at the causes of acne.

At the Revitum Diagnostics Center, you can support acne treatment using natural preparations in which you will find plant ingredients, vegetable oils, minerals and vitamins of only natural origin! The treatment is arranged individually, because in Revitum we do not have one pill for acne, because it does not exist. The specialist takes into account your age, weight, lifestyle and many other factors, besides, he performs the Load Test looking for additional reasons. This treatment guarantees health for many years.

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Category : Ailments

cukrzyca może ujawnić się w każdym wieku

Diabetes is one of the diseases of civilization. It is the third most common cause of death in our country (right after cancer and heart disease). We usually find out that we have it when it is in an advanced stage and serious complications arise. Untreated, it can cause atherosclerosis, ischemia, heart attack, stroke, retinal damage resulting in blindness, ulcers, difficult to heal wounds, etc.

According to statistics in Poland, we have over 2.5 million people who know they have diabetes. It is caused by a deficiency of insulin, which is a hormone produced by the pancreas. Insulin has a significant impact on the regulation of metabolism processes occurring in humans. Due to the lack of this hormone in the body, there is an increase in blood glucose (hyperglycemia).

So what is diabetes? What danger are there when we get this disease? How to treat her?

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Senile dementia

Category : Ailments

demencja starcza - można ją opóżnić

Senile dementia is senile dementia. The later psychological and intellectual problems are observed, the milder the disease manifests itself. The first symptom is weakened memory, which is often a sign of aging. That is why the relatives and relatives of the elderly often underestimate this, thinking that it is simply due to old age.

Other symptoms of dementia are: apathy, weakness of the body, lack of enthusiasm for work, unwillingness to perform any activities, malaise. Problems with remembering can manifest themselves differently in different people. Often patients remember what happened several dozen years ago, and they don't remember what they did yesterday.

The border between dementia and Alzheimer's disease is very fragile, which is why it is said that one of the forms of senile dementia is Alzheimer's, which after the appearance of dementia symptoms begins to cause problems with the correct pronunciation of words and other dysfunctions that intensify within three to five months.

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Lack of concentration

Category : Ailments

brak koncentracji przyczyny i przeciwdziałanie

Concentration is a phenomenon consisting in focusing attention and directing it on a specific object, issue, event, situation or phenomenon. This is a key factor that allows you to effectively perform both mental and physical work. The greater the level of concentration, the greater the efficiency! The greater the efficiency, the more you will do in a short time. That is why concentration is so important. When it comes to lack of concentration, the causes can be very complex or can overlap.

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Category : Ailments

bóle stawów

Arthralgia can accompany infections, both bacterial, viral and parasitic. You can then talk about reflex arthritis. It affects one or more often several joints. It happens to people of all ages. How to recognize them correctly and how to fight them?

Joint pain - symptoms

Initially, the pain occurs in motion, and decreases or disappears at rest. In advanced states it persists all the time. Its intensity may change. A characteristic symptom of the disease is also stiffness in the joints, especially after a period of prolonged immobility. Joints can be painful to the touch, and their surroundings excessively warmed and swollen. When the lesions are advanced, deformities of the joints, bone directed at an incorrect angle to each other are observed. The mobility of the affected joints may also be reduced.

Did you know that there is a relationship between a lack of nutrients and rheumatoid arthritis?

Particularly joint pain may be affected by a lack of B vitamins (especially pantothenic acid), deficiencies of vitamin D3, deficiencies of zinc, fatty acids, etc.

Joint pain can be reduced by supplementing e.g. yocce under the supervision of the Revitum specialist. The most important thing is that they are preparations selected for your needs, taking into account the whole of your body.

From food in the case of joint pain, it is worth, under the supervision of a specialist, to eliminate nightshade plants, as some suffering from joint pain are hypersensitive to solanine affecting the action of enzymes in the muscles, which causes pain.

Ginger, for example, has pain relief. It is he who can block the secretion of prostaglandins, inflammatory factors, leukotrienes, and is also a powerful antioxidant.

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Category : Ailments

nadciśnienie tętnicze

Hypertension is characterized by constantly elevated blood pressure. Hypertension is a cardiovascular disease in which the vast majority (over 90%) of cases are primary, i.e. without a known somatic cause. The other cases are secondary, i.e. a well-known cause of the disease, e.g. kidney disease, atherosclerosis, endocrine disease or brain disease.

Hypertensive disease affects women and men, it usually begins between the ages of 30 and 40, although it can already start in childhood. It manifests itself with injured headaches in the occiput area. Excessive excitability, insomnia. Palpitations, coronary pain are felt and reddened face, neck and chest are observed. Most often, however, abnormal blood pressure values ​​are detected accidentally during routine measurements.

Did you know that the causes of hypertension are often overweight and obesity? However, just as often there are just shortages of nutrients due to bad food sold in stores and bazaars, food heat treatment, use of microwave, induction cooker. Our lifestyle has a huge impact on hypertension.

Hypertension is one of the most dangerous civilization diseases that affects Poles. It is particularly dangerous because in many cases it is almost asymptomatic, and the patient learns about his problem only when the disease is already advanced.

The cause of hypertension can also be a lack of magnesium, B vitamins or vitamin C deficiencies. Therefore, you can examine the deficiencies of these elements using the cell deficiency test and determine which ingredients (or rather their lack) can contribute to the development of hypertension.

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