How to care for the liver
Category : Ailments
Liver disease - learn 4 effective tips on how to care for your liver
The proper functioning of the liver is essential for our health. Check if you know how to properly care for this organ.
This organ performs over 500 functions, and in every minute it flows through even 1.5 liters of blood requiring purification! Liver disease means that this process is not going well.
Research carried out by one of the pharmaceutical companies indicates that more than half of Poles do not have reliable knowledge about the function and functioning of the liver.
Only 25 percent Poles admit that they currently take care of their liver. Not surprisingly, so many people are struggling with various ailments that are caused by liver dysfunction.
The liver performs very important functions in our body, including:
- participates in the transformation of carbohydrates, fats and proteins
- maintains a constant blood glucose level
- neutralizes poisons
- stores iron and vitamin B12
- participates in thermoregulation
How to take care of the health of this important organ? Take our advice and take care of your liver.
1. One glass too many
Data on alcohol consumption in Poland are appalling: the Ministry of Health estimates that on average, every citizen of our country drinks 9.25 liters of pure alcohol annually! After a short drop in statistics, the figures on the alcohol needs of Poles soared again and are the highest since 1991!
Not surprisingly, our liver cannot cope with the amount of poisons that often reach it and begins to send alarming signals (e.g. pain).
For your own health, it is worth reducing alcohol consumption. It is assumed that a safe dose of alcohol for men is 1 gram of pure alcohol per kilogram of body weight, and for women this dose should be even lower! Consuming more alcohol for longer periods can lead to hepatitis, and in severe cases to cirrhosis and death.
2. Unhealthy food? The liver may not be able to handle it!
Theoretically, social campaigns and appeals by doctors bring the desired effect: more and more Poles give up unhealthy food and start playing sports. However, on the other hand, there is also an intense change in lifestyle, forcing (due to lack of time) reaching for hard-to-digest "junk" food and eating meals on the run. The fact that only 20% of Poles admit that they use any diet only confirms this thesis. The liver may not cope with such a large amount of fat consumed in the long run and "refuse to cooperate". What foods does this body like? First of all, it is worth focusing on daily meals rich in vitamin C and folic acid (present, among others, in citrus fruits). The diet should also be rich in fish and whole grain bread. It is worth adding variety to your meals by adding dried fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to limit the consumption of sweets, especially chocolate rich in unsaturated fatty acids and fatty meats and sausages.
3. Drugs can harm
Who of them took painkillers on the occasion of dysmenorrhea or headaches? However, the factory drugs, in addition to their pain-relieving properties, contain dangerous poisons that, stored in large quantities, can cause liver damage. It is very harmful, unfortunately, still common, to combine drug consumption with alcohol consumption. Also popular paracetamol in case of overdose is an extremely dangerous enemy for our liver. In the United States, overdose of paracetamol is the second most common cause of death from drug poisoning! Therefore, for our health, it is worth carefully checking the composition of the medications we take, with particular emphasis on those measures that are given to children (due to their uneducated organs, they are very susceptible to poisoning). Any doubts should be reported to specialists, because incorrect intake of a given agent can even cause cirrhosis.
4. Extra kilos not for the liver
Obesity or overweight also have an impact on the functioning of this important organ. Deposition of fat in liver cells can lead to serious complications such as inflammation and cirrhosis. Often, when the excess fat is deposited in the liver, there may be such ailments as fatigue, weakness or sleep problems. Fatty liver is fully curable, but requires a change in your current lifestyle (healthy diet, increased physical activity).
The liver requires our constant care. Underestimated ailments associated with it can lead to the appearance of serious illnesses. That is why prevention and health assessment are so important. The Body Load Test comes in handy, which allows you to know the degree of load on the body by harmful substances (including toxins) and allows you to assess the condition of internal organs. By gaining such knowledge, it is possible to choose a treatment that will help cleanse the liver of toxins and strengthen the body's vitality.