Problems with the stomach and intestines
Category : Ailments
Problems with the stomach and intestines
In Poland, over 30% of the population suffers from gastrointestinal complaints such as ulcers, obstruction, inflammation, cancer, and parasites. Every year, more than 10,000 people get colon cancer in our country every year, with more and more deaths being recorded. This is due to the fact that patients come to the doctor when it is too late for help.
If you are suffering from constipation, do not wait - make an appointment with Revitum. The specialist will prescribe a natural treatment available on site based on vegetable ingredients, vegetable oils and will take care of your intestinal flora and proper diet. Together you will change your body for the better!
Constipation often causes polyps, and polyps can turn into cancer.
What are the intestines?
The intestine, from the anatomy point of view, is the part of the digestive tract that begins at the pyloric mouth of the stomach and ends with the anus. The basic division that occurs and affects the intestines is the small intestine and the large intestine. In the thin are: duodenum, jejunum and ileum. In the large intestine, in turn, the cecum, colon and rectum are located.
How do the intestines work?
The intestines are an extremely important organ. It is in them that the process of digesting nutrients continues, which are then absorbed by intestinal epithelial cells. Then they are transported to the blood or lymph. The small intestine is also responsible for the digestive process. The large intestine, in turn, is also responsible for the excretion of calcium, magnesium and iron salts. Bacteria found in the large intestine are responsible for the production of group B vitamins and vitamin K. They inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria entering the intestines.
The most common bowel diseases take the form:
- motor disorders, i.e. weakness or increase of intestinal motility - diarrhea, constipation, colic, intestinal obstruction;
- digestive and absorption disorders - indigestion (fermentative, putrefactive, fatty);
inflammation - appendix, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, dysentery; - cancers - large intestine, rectum;
- diseases caused by the presence of parasites such as roundworms, pinworms, whipworms, duodenal hookworm. The most common symptoms that suggest there may be something wrong with our intestines are:
- anorexia, nausea, vomiting;
- abdominal pain of all kinds;
- diarrhea: acute or chronic, with mucous or bloody discharge;
- feverishness or fever;
- malabsorption of nutrients, vitamins, mineral salts and symptoms of these
- deficiencies;
- bloody stool;
- abscesses, ulcers, fistulas on the intestinal walls;
- food allergies.
Other common symptoms are also general weakness and malaise. Often, irritability, fatigue, a lack of willingness to live in various areas. Intestinal diseases cause so-called body loads. As the research conducted by WHO (World Health Organization) proves, they are the cause of over 90% of all diseases, including gastrointestinal diseases.
Problems with the stomach and intestines - these include mainly:
- food poisoning - alcohol of unknown origin, heavy metals, inedible mushrooms, heavy and raw foods, too many spices;
- infections caused by microorganisms, i.e. bacteria, viruses - e.g. Helicobacter that causes gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and colorectal cancer;
- occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites;
- toxins;
- immunological diseases and disorders;
- deficiencies of some minerals and vitamins;
- food allergies e.g. celiac disease - gluten intake disorder.